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Wednesday, May 20, 2009


Since Taken is coming out on DVD in the USA... sometime (I saw it in a commercial) I suppose I'll give you my review.

Taken stars Liam Nelson Neeson, that dude who talked for your father in Fallout 3. To be fair, Liam Neeson is a pretty good actor. I liked him as Henry Ducard in Batman Begins and he was good in Schindler's List. In Taken, I thought he was pretty good as a neurotic father.

So to sum up what I'm going to say, Taken is pretty good. See it if and when you can. Okay, on to the review. Spoilers ahead too.

Taken is a good action movie. It has a dark vibe to it, and it has a pretty simplistic storyline. I don't think it's anything new, though. Some dude takes your daughter and you have to go retrieve her. Sweet! The less there is of a story, the more time there is for action!

While Taken is a good movie, it still has flaws. One thing that is very prominent is the misogynistic script and characters. The women in this movie are idiots. They're always being retarded. The wife is being way too nonchalant about her daughter going to Europe to follow a band around with a few cousins and her horny blonde friend. Yeah, nothing can go wrong. I guess you're not supposed to like the characters, but damn, I was happy in ways when I saw the blonde chick dead that one should talk to their therapist about. The blonde chick was way too stupid to be living anyway. Yes, have sex with the French stranger that you just met at the taxi.

Benzaie probably liked this movie.

The plot is definitely shattered beyond repair. I didn't know half of the supporting characters from the movie or care to pay attention to who they were. Even after I watched it a second time, things still didn't clear up for me. I never did figure out who that one dude who Liam used to work with was or how he got evil.


Sunday, May 17, 2009

Watchmen Game

So I got the Watchmen: The End is Nigh the other day and I've been playing it a bit.

The game is based on the comic and movie Watchmen. For the record, I liked the movie. I haven't read all of the comic, but from what I've read they seemed to have stayed fairly loyal to the comic. I can't say for sure, but I did enjoy the movie. I was never really a comic reading kind of person, but I like looking at the details of a lot of comic superhero's lives. The movie was good, and looks as though they didn't leave out anything totally integral to getting the feel of the comic. Ahh, but you're reading this for the game review, not the movie review.

The Watchmen game details the events leading up to the movie and comic with our heroes Rorschach and Niteowl. The game is better than some of the movie tie-in games I've played. That's not saying much though, believe me, it's really boring. It's your basic beat 'em up game with a storyline. The game's foundation parts are mostly fine though. The controls are fine, the camera is a bit awkward at times, the combos are neat, but the Prince of Persia fighting system flaw is found in the game. They try to implement special little combo cutaway things. You know like when you do a successful attack thing in Assassin's Creed and it does that camera change and shows blood going everywhere, every time? Yeah, that's basically it. The game is okay to say the least. If you have some money to blow on a game that you'll play for like an hour and a half to 2 hours, go for it. I just got bored after playing with it for 30 minutes.

Star Trek Movie Review and a Nostalgic look on my past experiences with Star Trek

Star trek movie poster

I watched the new Star Trek movie yesterday, and being a fan (not an insane fan though) I was compelled to do a review. Now if you're reading this and haven't seen the movie, don't. You'll go in with a tainted mindset and you'll ruin your experience of the movie. Draw your own conclusions and then read this review. If you really want to, you can read the first part. There aren't any spoilers.

I remember the first time I saw Star Trek. It was a episode of Voyager, and oddly enough, the last episode. With it being the last episode and all, I didn't know what was going on, but it had cool effects and things getting blown up, so I thought it couldn't be that bad. From then on, I sporadically watched Voyager, The Next Generation, Deep Space 9, and Enterprise, only really liking Voyager and TNG. Deep Space 9 was too boring for me, and Enterprise had that bullshit intro that scared me into hiding under my bed at night. It wasn't until a few years ago that I noticed what channel the Original Series was being shown on. I watched most of TOS, but only enjoyed a few episodes. It had the quality of a B-Movie and it was a bit dated for my tastes. The episodes I liked are the stereotypical episodes you'd think a fan would like, such as the episodes with the Tribbles, the City on the Edge of Forever, that one where Kirk fights Spock, and Space Seed. I thought those had good plots and were executed pretty nicely.

Looks like Uhura gave everyone strep throat again.

My god, we're going to need a lot more flat Ginger Ale to tackle this many sore throats!

After the TV shows, where else can you go instead of watching the movies?

The Star Trek movies I watched were all around good, with Insurrection probably being the worst. I never saw any of the movies before Generations, maybe snippets of Wrath of Khan, but generally none of the movies with the original cast. I suppose I was spared that saddening death scene of Spock, and the horrors of the Final Frontier, but I should buy those movies and check them out some time.

Ahh, but who cares about all of that. Lets get on to the review. Spoilers are probably ahead by the way.

So I thought it was pretty good. I agree with most of the reviews I've looked at so far, seeing how people could love or hate it. I liked it. I don't think it was the best Star Trek, but it was really good. The casting was great and the acting was too.

Zachary Quinto as Spock

Spock Reincarnate omgomgogmomgomgomg!!1!

While the movie was good in my eyes, I noticed a bunch of people who felt betrayed by J.J. for some reason. Some of them said that they destroyed the character of Kirk, and the other people, and I try to explain that the Kirk from the movie is the Kirk in the alternate reality who grew up without his dad, so it's not the representation of Kirk from the Original Series timeline. I then can't look at them anymore because their skin is so bright, I've temporarily gone blind. Die hard fans of the Star Trek series never like any new Star Trek movies anyway. Maybe because the new movies always try to appeal to a wider audience, and attempt to trap more people in the web of virginity that is Star Trek.

Though the movie was good, there were some strange things that I don't think can be overlooked.

Firstly, what was up with that mining ship. Were people too lazy to build at least a ladder? There is nothing bridging the gap between the two platforms. Who would build a ship like that?! I know the Romulans are crazy, but come on.

What about Uhura? Wasn't she a slut? Just for the record, I'm not insulting the actor that portrayed Uhura, just the character's backstory. There were like 2 scenes that I remember where Uhura professed her love for Spock, and acted retarded. Also, I know Spock was young and angsty, but when he went into those fits of rage, I wanted to go slap the screenwriters. Also, was I the only one who thought Spock was about to split that Vulcan bully's skull open? Everyone looked like they were about to get their throats cut if they so happened to cross him.

I thought the Plot was a bit bland, though I do love time traveling concepts. The "Red Matter" was unexplained and convienent. It seemed like a "don't ask don't tell" relationship. Who was that Green Chick that Kirk was doing? Why was Kirk promoted so fast? Why show that truth telling bug thing if we never saw it in action? Why do you leave us with so many questions?

J.J. Abrams

Works in mysterious ways.

Though it did have flaws, Star Trek did shine at times. Karl Urban was awesome as McCoy, Simon Pegg was funny as usual, and the comic relief was pretty good too. I found it especially hilarious when they were diving to the drill, and that red shirt didn't pull his chute. I was wondering who he was, and when he died I remember that he had a red suit. I found it pretty funny that they put that in there. I did find it disappointing that they couldn't find a place to have some cameos of the surviving cast though.

Still, Star Trek was a good movie, and I'd check it out if I were you.