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Thursday, July 16, 2009

Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince

I saw Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince yesterday. Yes, I saw this movie on opening day. Not only did I see it on opening day, I watched some of it on the second day. I saw this movie at 10:30 pm. I hadn't even planned to see it at 10:30. It was a spur of the moment kind of thing. My mom was looking at movie times for some movies and I was like, hey, we should go see Harry Potter right now! She was a bit reluctant, and my brother had to take a shower and stuff before going out. So we had to get ready in 10 mins because it takes 20 minutes to get to the theater. By the time we left it was already 10:05 so we knew if there were a lot of people there we would get a shit seat, or maybe no seat at all. Even when we were driving, there were a bunch of slow people and even a little bit of traffic so we couldn't get there any less than 10:30.

Well when we got there the car parking lot was packed and we knew we'd get some really bad seats. We got in and some fat dude who totally looked like a pedophile was on the verge of legally harassing this one <21 year old cashier chick. I suppose that's why they're behind glass. Anyway, we got our tickets, and avoided the popcorn and drinks until we got our seats. We walked into the theater and what do you know, 2 empty rows of 4 seats on the right side of the theater. My brother got the first row, while I got the second row with my mom. So she went to get popcorn, and I was happy now that I avoided all of those 10 year old fucks who would be driving me crazy.

The movie started and every got really really quiet. No one made a sound, besides some laughter, throughout the entire movie. Good moviegoers seem to come at 10:30 showings :\

The movie starts, Harry gets curb stomped and survives with only a broken nose, and everything is pretty good. The movies ends and I'm like: "What?"

Nothing was accomplished. The only things that were accomplished are Dumbledore's death, learning about some objects, realizing that Voldermort may have been evil as a child, and to witness the fall of Michael Gambon's career. Even though that nothing was really accomplished, it was still the best Harry Potter. Maybe the Goblet of Fire was a bit better, but this one was dark funny and with the few action moments it had, it was really good. I actually can't wait to see it again.

I didn't feel any of the hype other people had for this movie, I just wanted to see something at 10:30 pm. I had no expectations, and I think I only saw the last movie once, so I was ready for anything. Halfway through the movie, I was pleasantly surprised to see myself enjoying it.

I've never read the books but for a film that makes a book to movie translation, you shouldn't have to. The reason a movie is made that is based on a book is to tell the story of a book to people who are too lazy to read. The Harry Potter series is a fine example of what a book to movie translation should be.