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Wednesday, May 20, 2009


Since Taken is coming out on DVD in the USA... sometime (I saw it in a commercial) I suppose I'll give you my review.

Taken stars Liam Nelson Neeson, that dude who talked for your father in Fallout 3. To be fair, Liam Neeson is a pretty good actor. I liked him as Henry Ducard in Batman Begins and he was good in Schindler's List. In Taken, I thought he was pretty good as a neurotic father.

So to sum up what I'm going to say, Taken is pretty good. See it if and when you can. Okay, on to the review. Spoilers ahead too.

Taken is a good action movie. It has a dark vibe to it, and it has a pretty simplistic storyline. I don't think it's anything new, though. Some dude takes your daughter and you have to go retrieve her. Sweet! The less there is of a story, the more time there is for action!

While Taken is a good movie, it still has flaws. One thing that is very prominent is the misogynistic script and characters. The women in this movie are idiots. They're always being retarded. The wife is being way too nonchalant about her daughter going to Europe to follow a band around with a few cousins and her horny blonde friend. Yeah, nothing can go wrong. I guess you're not supposed to like the characters, but damn, I was happy in ways when I saw the blonde chick dead that one should talk to their therapist about. The blonde chick was way too stupid to be living anyway. Yes, have sex with the French stranger that you just met at the taxi.

Benzaie probably liked this movie.

The plot is definitely shattered beyond repair. I didn't know half of the supporting characters from the movie or care to pay attention to who they were. Even after I watched it a second time, things still didn't clear up for me. I never did figure out who that one dude who Liam used to work with was or how he got evil.


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