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Sunday, May 17, 2009

Watchmen Game

So I got the Watchmen: The End is Nigh the other day and I've been playing it a bit.

The game is based on the comic and movie Watchmen. For the record, I liked the movie. I haven't read all of the comic, but from what I've read they seemed to have stayed fairly loyal to the comic. I can't say for sure, but I did enjoy the movie. I was never really a comic reading kind of person, but I like looking at the details of a lot of comic superhero's lives. The movie was good, and looks as though they didn't leave out anything totally integral to getting the feel of the comic. Ahh, but you're reading this for the game review, not the movie review.

The Watchmen game details the events leading up to the movie and comic with our heroes Rorschach and Niteowl. The game is better than some of the movie tie-in games I've played. That's not saying much though, believe me, it's really boring. It's your basic beat 'em up game with a storyline. The game's foundation parts are mostly fine though. The controls are fine, the camera is a bit awkward at times, the combos are neat, but the Prince of Persia fighting system flaw is found in the game. They try to implement special little combo cutaway things. You know like when you do a successful attack thing in Assassin's Creed and it does that camera change and shows blood going everywhere, every time? Yeah, that's basically it. The game is okay to say the least. If you have some money to blow on a game that you'll play for like an hour and a half to 2 hours, go for it. I just got bored after playing with it for 30 minutes.

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