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Saturday, February 13, 2010

Brutal Legend and Overlord 2

I played Brutal Legend and Overlord 2 a while back but I never reviewed them so I figured I have nothing else to do so I might as well look over them again and give you some of my thoughts on the games.

Brutal Legend is the latest installment from the crazy awesome dudes down at Double Fine. Their last game was Psychonauts, which came out of the blue and was awesome. I don't think I ever finished it though...

Anyway, Brutal Legend follows the adventure of Eddie Riggs who is voiced by Jack Black. Eddie Riggs is a roadie for a band. He builds things, repairs guitars, and makes everyone else look good while staying out of the limelight. Eddie is killed when he saved one of the idiots in the band. He then is transported to the land of Heavy Metal...

Brutal Legend is an amazingly good game. It follows the same art as Psychonauts, meaning that everyone looks a bit cartoonish and full of hyperboles. The plot has weird areas which are kind of spoilers I suppose, so I can't really talk about them. The game does rank up as one of my favorites ever. Brutal Legend does begin to fail very VERY hard when you have to do RTS elements. They are really difficult and the controls are awkward on consoles. That aspect of the game reminds me of something else too...

Overlord 2 is in many aspects related to Brutal Legend. They both have an RTS element, though Brutal Legend doesn't use it as much as Overlord 2 does.

In Overlord 2, you're some dude who was almost lynched as a kid for being incredibly awesome. He became evil and is now attempting to take over the world.

I haven't played Overlord 2 in quite some time but what I do remember of it I remember fondly. Towards the end of me playing it, it got really boring and repetitive. Probably hard too but if I say that it'll seem like I really suck at games. Anyway, Overlord 2 is fairly fun. I was disappointed that you (as in the human.. thing) didn't do much in the game. I love slashing people up with the sword. It also pads the game with a lot of useless additions. You can add decorations to your underground fortress of doom, but there's no point.You can revive some minons you lost, but there is also no point to it. The underground place is way too complicated and way too huge. It takes long to do anything there. Oh well. I think I liked it though.

Anyway, those are my reviews.